Divya Spandana praises finance minister Nirmala Sitaraman!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,June 01 2019]

Former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had also held the role of finance minister during her tenure, and after that the recent announcement of Nirmala Sitaraman as the finance minister is the first time a female minister has been independently handling the role.

As she has become India's first female finance minister, Nirmala Sitaraman has been receiving praises from all corners and even from opposition parties and celebrities and actors. Even Karnataka Chief Minister HD Kumarasamy who is ruling with the support of Congress, has congratulated her.

Joining the list of prominent personalities who have wished Nirmala Sitaraman is actress Divya Spandana who is an important member of Congress and had acted in Tamil movies like Varanam Aayiram, Pollathavan and Kuthu. She had tweeted Congratulations Nirmala Sitaraman on taking charge of a portfolio that was only last held by another woman, Indira Gandhi ji in 1970-makes us women folk proud! The GDP not looking great, I’m sure you will do your best to revive the economy. You have our support. Best wishes.