Nirupama is Myself: Manju

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 21 2014]

Manu Warrrier is quite thrilled with the fine responses to her comeback film and its lead character of Nirupama Rajeev. The actress who is quite relieved has noted in the facebook page that 'Nirupama is herself'. I have given my soul for Nirupama. Now i understands that it was also you...’goes the scribbling on the wall, which dedicates the movie to umpteen number of ladies who has dropped their passions for their family life.

It may be also noted that the character that she portrayed in the movie bears uncanny resemblances’ with the personal story of Manju Warrrier. The movie’s Nirupama Rajeev is portrayed as a UD clerk who regains her passions and work for her dreams after a gap of 14 years, the time that she changed herself to look after her family. In real life too, Manju has been away from films for her family for exactly 14 years, after which she returned with this simple sweet film, which announces that ‘Your dream is your signature’. .