S.Ve. Sekhar to become Nithayananda's Kailaasa Prime Minister?

The Karnataka police have been given time till 18th to locate and produce self styled godman Nithyananda who is absconding for several months but updates videos everyday claiming to have bought and set up his own country Kailaasa on an island. He has claimed that a million people are applying for citizenship on a daily basis to his website and email.

Nithyananda has been accused of several crimes including child abuse, murder and improper sexual activities but popular actor S.Ve. Sekhar has been voicing his support for him. In his latest video he has adviced that people should stop mudslinging at him and if they dont like him they should avoid otherwise the stench will be on them and not him.

S.Ve. Sekhar has further added that he is willing to take up the Prime Minister's post in Nithyananda's Kailaasa but only as a parttimer since he has a family and is a grandfather. The media is in a frenzy unable to decipher is the accomplished comedian is pulling their leg or is serious about it.