Nivin's Best Time

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 05 2014]

As his latest movie on theatres '1983 ' is in upswing with excellent reports all over, Nivin Pauly , the young star of the movie is suddenly in the limelight. The actor who had earlier been with hits has now been accepted as a worthy actor who can perform in demanding roles. In 1983' he has played a character ranging from his 14 year to 40 in a reasonably fine way which has all the reviewers applauding for him.

Nivin has got more reasons to smile as his new movie 'Om Shanthi Osana with Nazriya Nazim will also get to theatres in this week end. The movie which will be on theatres by the seventh of this month will have a debutante director at the helm. The songs of the movie are already a hit with more than three lakh hits in social networking sites.