The 'Kabali' effect of Kannada films

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,July 20 2016]

As we all know, Superstar Rajinikanth's 'Kabali' will have a huge solo release on this Friday (July 22). No other Tamil film has dared to compet with this Superstar outing directed by Pa.Ranjith.

Now we learn that this phenomenon is not limited to Tamil Nadu and Tamil films. Even in Karnataka, 'Kabali' will be getting a grand solo release.

S.V.Rajanedra Singh Babu, the Chairman of Karnataka Chalanachithra Academy the has confirmed that no Kannada film will be hitting the screens on July 22. A few films that were earlier scheduled on that day have been postponed by a week to make way for 'Kabali'. This is because no one is ready to clash with the indomitable Superstar and burn their pockets.

'Kabali' will be releasing in over 300 screens across Karnataka and also a few Five Star Hotels in Bengaluru.

Affecting the trade of film industry of another state. This is possible by only one person and his name is Rajinikanth !.