No evidence to link vaccination with infertility: Government

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,June 30 2021]

The Central government today said that there is no scientific evidence linking the covid vaccines with infertility in men and women. It also said that covid vaccination is recommended for lactating women as well.

Addressing the concerns expressed over the alleged adverse impact of vaccines on the fertility of people in the reproductive age, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said that all vaccines and their constituents are first tested on animals before being used for humans. Vaccines are authorized for use only after their safety and efficacy is assured, the statement said.

Also Read: Covaxin neutralizes Alpha, Delta variants: US NIH

Recently, a Forbes article said, Some social media accounts have been claiming that Covid-19 vaccines could cause “mass male infertility” and that “all males who have been vaccinated are effectively sterile.” It then addressed the myth by quoting a scientific study conducted by JAMA Network dispelling the false rumour.

A lot of WhatsApp forwards have claimed that lactating women have to be careful about taking the vaccine. The latest update from the government should remove any doubts among women.