No fear of failure for him

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,June 16 2004]

It is all always doing it second time around.

For, the fear of failure is always a constant companion when you have failed the first time. The shadow of self-doubt hovers over like a permanent canopy.

But there are some that take a cue from failures and emerge successful in their second innings.

Vadde Naveen, who is on a second-coming in Tollywod, believes he belongs to the second category.

The handsome young man, who couldn't make it to the top in his first round (he acted in 20 odd movies without making any impact, is now paired with the Hawas girl Meghna Naidu in a to-be titled film.

Naveen, whose last film Guri hardly created any ripples, is sure that he is richer for the bitter experiences of the past. I know what went wrong first time around. I will not repeat them, he says a touch philosophically.

He firmly believes that there was nothing wrong in his choice of films. Success and failure depend on the story and script of the film. I think the director is solely responsible for a films fate. If a good story is not handled well, then it is bound to fail at the box-office. So the fate of the film depends entirely on the director, he reasons.

When he says the director is in charge, Naveen is not shifting the blame; he is merely understating the existing realities. It also reflects his accommodative spirit. Naveen is not a man of strong words or harsh deeds. He is mild-mannered and that sometimes becomes a handicap in such an industry.

Like it did in Guri.

The story and the script that was narrated to Naveen were entirely different from the final product. The script was chopped and changed regularly. When Naveen was played in, he was not told about Srihari's character. He did not figure in the cast itself. But then later, so many changes were made and I was helpless, he says ruefully.

But the thing about Naveen is he is not bitter. He is plain disappointed and not letting the failures get into his system. I always prefer to look forward rather turn back, he says.

So what is his role in his coming films? His film with Meghna will have him playing a lover boy role. It is a fun film with all the right ingredients to attract the younger generation.

Arun Prasad, who had earlier directed Thammudu, handles the megaphone. The film is almost complete and is set for release this July. It is a good story and script. I am very gung-ho about this project. I also want to ensure that my come-back is really successful, Naveen says.

Naveen also has three other projects on hand --- an NRI production from London, a movie with veteran Kodi Ramakrishna and one with Maruthi Combines. Naveen always remembers the lines he learnt in school. Failing is not a sin. Coming back from failure is the true test of man's character.

And Naveen's true test has begun.