No victory processions by parties, candidates: Election Commission

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,April 27 2021]

The Election Commission of India has banned victory processions on May 2 and after. As is known, results to the Assembly elections in West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam and Puducherry will be out on May 2.

The decision has been taken by the EC in view of the pandemic. It has faced flak from civil society and commentators for recklessly allowing public rallies, leading to a spike in coronavirus cases in States such as Bengal and Tamil Nadu.

Earlier in the week, the Madras High Court said that it's only because of the EC that the second wave has hit parts of India. It even threatened to book its officials for murder.

Political parties are in favour of the ban on victory rallies. JP Nadda, the National President of the BJP, welcomed EC's decision. I welcome the decision of the ECI banning celebrations and processions of electoral victories. I have directed all state units of BJP to strictly adhere to this decision. All karykartas of BJP are using their energies to help the ones in need in this hour of crisis, he tweeted.