Now Dil Raju chooses another rising star

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,May 15 2017]

Raj Tarun, much like Nani and Sharwanand, is rising and rising. If last year was good, this year is going to be better for him. In February, he had a hit in 'Kittu Unnadu Jagratha' under AK Entertainments. 'Andhhagadu', yet another promising film, is up for release on June 2.

Amidst all this, the actor has got a film offer from Dil Raju. The producer has picked Aneesh Krishna (who directed 'Ala Ela' earlier) as the one to wield the megaphone.

Going by the comic quotient and romance that were on the show in 'Ala Ela', Raj Tarun's natural comic timing will be fully leveraged here. The high-end production values of Sri Venkateswara Creations will ensure the best for the hero.