NTR makes a cute juxtaposition

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,May 20 2018]

Dads get a kick out of watching their kids grow. And Young Tiger, like everybody else, derives a great deal of joy from doing the same. His son Abhay Ram is his world and it's clear from the way he posts pics with him on special occasions like his birthday.

The 'Aravindha Sametha' actor has done it today. Finally, Abhay has stopped closing my eyes. He’s all grown up. Still gives me my first and most precious birthday wishes though, NTR tweeted, posting a pic of him lifting his son on his shoulders.

The 'closing my eyes' reference has a history. Last year on this day, when NTR posted a pic in a similar vein, we found Abhay closing his dad's left eye. By juxtaposing that pic with today's moment, the proud dad just indulged in precious joys!