Ojas Rajani clarifies on 'I' issue

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 21 2015]

Ojas Rajani who portrayed the transgender makeup artist in the movie 'I' has issued a clarification statement on the whole issue stating Shankar and the whole 'I' team was not intending on hurting anybody's sentiments under any circumstances.

She conveyed her thoughts in this press release:

Dear friends ,

Please do not react in an angry manner as Shankar sir has not tried to demean any character of mine Infact he has shot it estetically and in a beautiful manner its jst a story in a film of love were a character of mine falls in love n reacts in a certain way we r not tryg to offend the transgender friends so please I request u not to be offended Infact v must be proud n happy the film is done well with such a great star cast n superb director am out of INDIA for a shoot do please accept my email correspondence n please put a stop to this anger n rejoice the success of the film God bless u all love n regards


We hope the whole issue gets sorted out soon!