Okka Ammayi Thappa: Rajasimha's comedy awaited

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,June 09 2016]

With Okka Ammayi Thappa slated to be released tomorrow (June 10), many are talking about Nithya Menen's role, besides of course speculating whether Sundeep Kishan will be able to undo the impact of the March disaster - Run. While the story mainly involves Sundeep (who plays Krishna Vachan) and Nithya (who plays Sathyabhama aka Mango), it's Sundeep's character which is much stronger.

In his interview to IndiaGlitz, the hero says that Rajasimha Tadinada's humour will keep the audience engaged, delivering comedy in an otherwise thriller-like film. "Rajasimha has a unique sense of humour. It was on display in Sarrainodu. It was on display in the dialogues that Bunny's Gona Ganna Reddy spoke in Rudrama Devi. I hope Okka Ammayi Thappa will entertain the audience," he says.

Rajasimha has toyed with the idea of OAT for nearly eight years now. A talented writer, let's see how far he will fare as a director. Stay tuned for our review!