Old man kills himself after molesting doctor

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 06 2018]

In a shocking incident, a 60-year-old neighbour of a doctor molested her and committed suicide hours later in Mumbai's Goregaon suburb.

Going into the details, a 35-year-old doctor was followed by the sexagenarian for one week. He tried to strike a conversation with her repeatedly. But she kept on avoiding him. On Saturday, he forcibly entered her house with a hammer in his hands. When the doctor spurned him, the old man got violent and harmed her.

As she bled, the molester forced her to give a statement in writing that he never harmed her and that she would never approach the police. The victim somehow managed to call the police and got herself saved.

Even as she was undergoing treatment, the attacker committed suicide by leaping to death from a tall building. The police are looking at closing the case.