Popular actress who served corona patients suffers paralysis!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,December 12 2020]

Bollywood actress Shikha Malhotra who had acted in movies such as Superstar Shahrukh Khan's Fan and had turned popular after working to serve corona patients, has been admitted to hospital after suffering a major stroke.

Reportedly, the right side of the Shikha's body has been affected and she has been admitted to Juhu's Cooper Hospital. It was just before a month that the actress had recovered from Coronavirus. Shikha's PR manager Ashwani Shukla has informed media that the actress got a major stroke.

Shikha is currently unable to talk and is undergoing treatment, added her manager. Shikha is a nursing degree holder, and had volunteered and worked as a nurse helping Coronavirus patients for six months during the lockdown and she herself also got infected by the virus and later recovered.