Paresh Rawal reveals why he didn't launch his son in Bollywood

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,July 17 2021]

It is quite common for children of Bollywood stars to take the same path as their parents and venture into the film industry. Celebs often launch their kids by producing their debut movie and such. Veteran actor Paresh Rawal's son, Aditya Rawal is also on his path to make it big in the field of cinema but he doesn't get much help from his father. The youngster is currently working with ace director Hansal Mehta for his next film.

Paresh has given countless memorable and iconic performances in his long and illustrious career so it shouldn't be tough for him to pull a few strings to make things easier for his son. Recently, he talked about the reason he didn't launch his son and its quite unexpected.

He said, I did not launch him as my son because I don’t have that kind of money. To launch my son, you require a big machinery. But isn’t this good? Through his own effort, he got noticed. People loved his work in Bamfaad. And now, he is working with Hansal Mehta. I mean, he is working with a director like him. So, his work is fetching him work. He doesn’t need his father’s recommendation.”

Paresh Rawal added, I know with how much discipline, focus and dedication he works. So, I didn’t give any sort of lessons to him. Also, I think with this generation, we should let them find their own way. We don’t need to guide them. They are smart and honest. This generation doesn’t require your advice. So, give them a direction only when they ask. All they need is your support.”