Parineeti Chopra talks about her film with Ranbir Kapoor

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,April 30 2021]

Actress Parineeti Chopra has hit a few rough patches in her career lately. Her few films have failed to make a impact but she's all set to make things right with her next project titled 'Animal'. In a recent interview, Parineeti acknowledged the revolution that Indian entertainment space has been going through. She said, Today is the age of content and anything that’s sub-par won’t be accepted by audiences who have access to clutter-breaking content emerging from across the world. We actors and film-makers have to keep this in mind.

The actress further added, I have gravitated towards projects that have strong content because I realised that everyone around me, including me, was only watching films or shows that are landmark. So, why should anyone else see anything average.

She believes that her film with Ranbir Kapoor titled 'Animal' will be fresh change of pace for her. She said, All my future projects including Animal are strong subjects that are unique and fresh for audiences to see and love. I will be only looking out for scripts that only offer something new for people to enjoy.