Pawan Kalyan targets RBI Governor!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,December 20 2016]

Looks like you have to throw the Jan Dhan accounts into the toilet. They are of no use because manual scavenging is yet to be eradicated. Actor and Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan has asserted a juxtaposition between the failure to eradicate manual scavenging with the attempts to build a less-cash economy (wrongly dubbed as cashless economy in the media).

In the latest round of criticism, Pawan has asked RBI Guv Urjit Patel of questions. "In a country like ours where manual scavenging is still in existence, do you want us to believe that cashless economy will work?" Pawan tweeted.

He has alleged that the lives of crores of Indians have been disrupted because of Demonetization. "While innocent and helpless are dying standing in the lines, the scoundrels of first order are exchanging the plundered wealth of the nation, sitting in the comfort of their homes," Pawan has said.

After quoting the likes of Nani Palkhilvala and Sri Sri in the past, he mentioned Nassim Nicholas Taleb this time. "When the gap between what you know and what you think you know becomes dangerously wide, disasters of this magnitude will be created," he has tweeted.