Pawan rejects 'private apologies'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,April 23 2018]

Pawan Kalyan has on Monday morning said that he rejects the feelers that some media people are sending him in apologizing for the abuses against him.

For 6 months You ABUSE & Do Emotional Atyachar on  Me, My Fans,Supporters, Friends, Party Cadre,Janasainks, Film Industry and as Cherry on the Top, You Abuse my Old Mother too.. You Sick minded degenerates and Now you send me feelers to apologize, privately!! Power Star tweeted.

Public Abuse and Private Apology don’t Work with me, the 'Agnyaathavaasi' actor said.

He asked people to boycott those TV channels and dailies which use foul language against us and our mothers.