Pawan's trolls need to note the context of those words

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,October 18 2018]

Pawan Kalyan was in Uddanam to console the victims of Cyclone Titli. He interacted with a number of poor people who have lost their all in the floods. As he always does, the Jana Sena chief occasionally took notes of his observations.

As it turns out, the observations were single-word notes, unrelated to one another. His pic with an old woman inadvertently shows what is there in the notebook. Biryani, laksha, Parvathi, pucchakayalu, aidu yekaralu are some of the words seen on the page.

The actor-turned-politician has been mercilessly trolled for writing the seemingly mindless notes. But it's much ado about nothing. Many people maintain notes by writing only the key words. Parvathi may be a victim whose plight has moved Power Star. Biryani may denote that politicians and officers have the luxury of eating expensive food while the poor there are going hungry. You can't expect even the wisest man to write whole sentences at the scene of a calamity.