Pearle Maaney pens a heart-touching note

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,June 30 2021]

Actress, TV host, and former Bigg Boss contestant Pearle Maaney is one of the new moms in town. The actress who is also a social media influencer has been often vocal on how one should embrace pregnancy and motherhood with a lot of positivity. Recently, in a lengthy note on her social media account, Pearle penned about the emotional turmoils that she had undergone before and after the delivery of the baby. According to the diva, one cannot be completely sure of what motherhood has in store for her. She spoke in detail about how she balanced the emotional and physical sufferings during her pregnancy journey. She did not forget to mention her husband Srinish who has been supportive and boosting her confidence.

Read Pearle's Instagram post:

Last year has been a roller coaster ?? for my emotions… from learning to Juggle roles of a daughter, sibling , friend , wife , work life all together and suddenly a new cute piece added to the lot… the role of a mother. I definitely dropped all the pieces down and looked at them like I’ve no idea what to do with it. But with patience and by letting me make mistakes, I found the courage to pick up these roles once again… because all these pieces were extremely dear to me… all these roles were important to me. Yet It definitely took time and is not as easy as it looks. No mom can ever be completely prepared for what motherhood has in store for her but with the right kind of mindset and with very low expectations from life (never try to be perfect ), I think I’ve managed to sail through the past three months smoothly. Every time something tries to trigger my emotions I try to ignore it and focus on what makes me feel great. Writing happy affirmations to remind myself my emotional goals, while all my affirmation comes alive when I just look at Nila’s face.

This is a time when women feel extremely sensitive physically and emotionally… certain judgements, hurtful remarks have swung my way from people who really love me.. but I’m sure they dint mean to hurt me. I’ve also learn to filter and ignore. Keep calm…but sometimes it feels like our whole world is falling apart but no… a new role just got added to the roles you have already been juggling. With time you are going to learn to balance them all like a PRO! Meanwhile the support I received from my husband was just immense and it made a world of difference. His kind remarks like “you look more beautiful now” , “you are such a wonderful mother,Nila is lucky to have you” , “you are so strong minded” etc has only boosted my confidence. So having a baby is all about being a team and growing together into it as a couple.The occasional hugs and the tiny surprises really matter. I’m super excited to see what life has in store for us. At the end of the day just I just say a big thank you to the universe for always guiding me and helping me get back on my feet. My current favourite mantra “Breathe”