Linguswamy teams up with a Bollywood biggie to release 'Rajini Murugan'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,December 28 2015]

Sivakarthikeyan starrer Rajini Murugan' should have released in July this year but the film got delayed for long due to financial issues. We had earlier reported that producer Linguswamy decided to release the film on Pongal' festival.

A recent paper advertisement of Rajini Murugan' confirms the release date as January14, 2016 and it carries a new buzz about the film. The poster includes the label of Pen Movies' which has associated with the Bollywood biggies like akshay kumar's Singh is Bling' and and Vidhya Balan's Kahaani'. From reliable sources we learn that the deal has been signed by Linguswamy with Pen Movies in Mumbai and is about releasing the film for Pongal without any delay like before.