People expected sex in 'Julie-2': Raai Laxmi

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 01 2017]

Raai Laxmi, the 'Rathalu' damsel, has said that people went to 'Julie-2' expecting it to be a full-on "sex film" because it was projected to be one. But when they found it to be otherwise, they were naturally disappointed.

In fact, says the actress, she was not in favour of advertising 'Julie-2' as a full-on adult entertainer. But then, the temptation of playing the marketing gimmicks had a field day.

While admitting that overplaying the sex content was an error of judgment, Raai also feels sorry that many reviews got personal in shaming the film!

The film released in Hindi and Tamil recently. It was expected to have a Telugu release as well.