Pia's bald look needed 4 hrs hardwork a day

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,February 24 2018]

Pia Bajpai will be seen as a bald girl for a brief in the upcoming Tamil film Abhiyum Anuvum'. Also starring Tovino Thomas and directed by BR Vijayalakshmi, it took a lot of effort on the actress's part to get the bald look right.

She recently stated that sporting the look was very demanding and cumbersome, given the use of sprays, glues etc to keep the wig intact. Pia actually was ready to shave her head but decided against it following the suggestion from the director as the look was only needed for 3-4 days.

Every day, it took 3-4 hours to get the bald wig right. The bilingual film is bankrolled by Yoodlee Films and set to hit the screens coming March 9.