Shocking video of Pollachi abusers confession!

The social media has been fuming against the accused who were associated with sexual harassment and filming of videos and blackmailing more than 200 women in Pollachi, and the toned down approach of police in taking action on them. While it has been said that these criminals might use their political influence to escape, a video featuring them has turned viral.

The sensational video was captured when these accused were caught by public, and in the video, the criminals are seen confessing their crime that they had infact cheated numerous women in the name of love and later sexually abused them and captured videos to later blackmail them for money or sex. Despite such a video trending on social media, cops are hesitant to take strong action against them.

Netizens are opining that not just these criminals, but their parents who had not educated or taken care of them as they grew up to be criminals must be punished. As always, the criminals with political connections are trying to escape with their influence, and the opposition has been trying to gain political mileage blaming the ruling party. The demand of the people is that police must act fair and take the action immediately, and with the angry situation prevailing, it is very much possible that even the public might take law into hands and punish the accused.