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Missing 10th class girl brutally murdered!

Friday, February 15, 2019 • Tamil Comments
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A 10th class student from Thiruvallur who had been missing since September 2018 was found dead. It had been reported that the girl preferred to take the route via sugarcane farm to her school as it was just half kilometer distance compared to the road, which had a 3 km distance, and as she went missing, a police complaint was filed, but there was no progress in the case.

However, on February 11, bones along with a school uniform were found in a lake in the locality, following which it was identified to be the missing girl and that she was killed and buried. The case intensified, and as a part of the case, a youngster named Sankarayya was arrested and questioned, and he revealed that he had been in love with the girl but she never reciprocated.

Following this, one day as the girl went to deliver milk to a person's home, Sankarayya had attacked her and tried to sexually harass her, and this was noticed by two more people Krishnamoorthy and Nadhamuni, who also abused the girl. The duo gave money to Sankaraiya not to inform this to anyone, and locked the girl in their house and was continuously sexually assaulted by the duo as well as Sankaraiya's friends, and she passed away due to injuries. As they buried her body in a canal, the body was washed away by rains and reached the lake following which the girl was identified, leading to the revelations.

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