Pollachi gang rape case transferred to CBCID

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,March 12 2019]

The Pollachi gang rape case that is occupying the news headlines in Tamil Nadu for the past twenty-four hours has taken a turn for the better as DGP T.K. Rajendran has passed the order bringing in the Crime Branch : Criminal Investigating Department (CBCID) into the case.

The four-member gang Thirunavukkarasu, Sabarirajan, Satheesh and Vasanthakumar are already booked under the goondas act for raping a girl and videotaping the gruesome act while they have confessed to many more such crimes. There has been widespread doubt whether the case will be handled in a proper way as suspicion about the involvement of top politicians is rampant. There has also been a plea to let a woman Superintendent of Police to handle the case but it remains to be seen who the center assigns on the further investigations.