Poonam is the new girl in town

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,October 01 2005]

The first step to becoming an actress is to become a model. This is the time-tested route taken from the biggest to the lowest in the industry.

Poonam too is taking this way. Poonam, if you know, is the beautiful heroine of Modati Cinema.

Hailing from Pune (her parents are in the Navy), she is no ordinary beauty. She has strong views on most subjects.

Poonam says she is happy to make a beginning with Modati Cinema as it is not a run of the mill story. It is a film of complex emotions. 'The film is about a middle-class girl and how her life changes one day.'

Poonam says the typical things like she became an actress by sheer chance and that she is interested in good scripts. But when it comes from her, you tend to believe and accept that.

Interestingly, quite unlike Ankitha who complained about Navdeep, Poonam has no such grouses. 'He is a thorough professional,' is her summary.

Poonam should prove herself one in Modati Cinema.