Pop talent Smita pips records

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,March 11 2016]

Smita has blown to smithereens many a record. Her recently released song coming with the theme of Baahubali's Kilkili language, titled Baha Kilikki, featuring herself along with 'Baahubali' Prabhakar and others, has crossed the coveted mark of a whopping one million hits.

Speaking to IndiaGlitz, Smita has said that she wanted to do an exciting concept. Right from Deva Katta, cinematographer Sameer, music director Acchu, everyone helped her do the song. She wanted to do a racy song. The shoot for completed in two nights.

Smita, who has come back in the reckoning after years of sabbatical, recently made a devotional album titled Nirvana Shatakam and released it on the Maha Shivratri day. More is yet to come from her this year.