Popular Malayalam actress to make her Bollywood debut

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,December 16 2021]

Malayalam actress Sruthy Jayan who made her entry to the cinema with the critically acclaimed movie Angamaly Diaries helmed by Lijo Jose Pellissery is all set to make her Bollywood debut. According to latest reports, the talented actress has been roped in to play an important role in an upcoming movie titled ‘Dahini: The Witch’ which is directed by Rajesh Touchriver. The actress will be playing a village girl character named ‘Pallavi’. The movie, which is based on true events that happen in a village, also stars actors Tanishtha Chatterjee and JD Chakravarthi. The movie is currently in the post-production phase.


After making her debut as a police officer named Alice in Angamaly Diaries, the actress was later seen playing major roles in many films such as ‘Paippin Chuvattile Pranayam’, ‘Nithyaharitha Nayakan’ ‘June’, ‘Sathyam Paranja Viswasikkuvo’. It was her character 'Maya Miss', a teacher in the Rajisha Vijayan starrer movie June, that fetched her much appreciation among the family audience. She has also played notable roles in Tamil and Telugu movies as well. In Malayalam, her upcoming release is 'Momo in Dubai' .