Popular playback singer's husband passes away

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,September 24 2018]

Vani Jayaram is a well-renowned singer known for her extensive portfolio in several languages. The sad news is that the popular playback singer’s husband passed away today. Jayaram, her husband had been suffering physical ailments over the past few days.

Vani Jayaram hails from Vellore of Tamil Nadu. She changed her name from Kalaivani to the present name after marrying Jayaram. Needless to mention, her husband was a pillar of strength and support for Vani Jayaram’s career which boasts of at least 10,000 songs in languages including Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, and Malayalam as well.

The news comes off as a great shock and the members of the film fraternity are paying their respects and condolences.