Prabhas: I'm Not Marrying Anytime Soon

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,August 05 2017]

When the Baahubali' star Prabhas was interviewed about his female following and how he is the ultimate crush of every girl who has seen him grow and fell in love with his abs.

He was told that the female following of his is currently disappointed with the rumors that he might be settling down soon by getting married.

But Prabhas revealed the ultimate truth!

“My female fans do not have to worry about that (my marriage). I am pretty much single and I am not looking forward to get married anytime soon. So, I don't think they even have to be worried about that”.

When asked how he feels about the rumors about his marriage spiraling around, he says “I don't think these rumors hold any truth. I know what's the truth and I know that none of these rumors are true. Do not believe them” he warns his fans.

“As per, my experience, I used to feel bad about the rumors circulating in tabloids about my personal life. I'm dating so and so actress if I have done more than one project with her…and so on…I used to feel about that. But, now I'm okay with dealing with those kind of rumors. They don't bother me anymore” he continues.

“I'm very lucky to have such a great female following. I feel lucky to be loved by so many women”. He concludes.

Wow! Sounds like the hunky actor is all available for his female fans!

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