Prabhu Devaa to direct Abhishek Bachchan!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,November 24 2009]

Prabhu Devaa’s ‘Wanted’ ripped the screens, becoming a blockbuster instantly. Several production houses were lined up to sign in the talented South filmmaker for their projects. But Prabhu Devaa bagged it really ‘Big’, literally.

Sources have it that AB Corp will be producing a Prabhu Devaa’s directorial venture which will have Abhishek Bachchan as its hero. Incidentally, the director had proposals from producers like Boney Kapoor and Sajid Nadiadwala. But looks like Prabhu Devaa found ABCL too tempting.

Sources revealed, “Prabhu Devaa had narrated the idea to Abhishek around 20 days ago and he loved it instantly and immediately agreed to do it. So now, Prabhu Devaa is busy working on the script. The film is a typical Prabhu Devaa film with an abundance of romance and heavy action. The film will go on the floors around June next year.”

However, Abhishek Bachchan maintained that nothing is confirmed as of now and they are still on planning process.