Pranav Mohanlal sharpening his skills in Parkour for his debut film directed by Jeethu Joseph

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,December 13 2016]

Very soon we will see the debut of Pranav Mohanlal through the movie directed by the top director in the breed of new generation directors in Mollywood – Jeethu Joseph.

Pranav's father superstar Mohanlal recently spoke about his son's debut and what he is doing now. According to Mohanlal, his son is gearing up to take up the role and make the best in his debut film. Pranav wants to give his maximum in the film, in order to make the character perfect he is learning Parkour. Parkour is basically acrobatic physical training that consists of getting through obstacles like running, swinging, climbing, jumping and rolling.

Mohanlal said that learning Parkour would be easier for him as Pranav is used to gymnastics, rock climbing and sky diving. He practices gymnastics and has a flexible body. Also, the superstar to a question answered that his son might be having the pressure as he is Mohanlal's son, but he added that he doesn't ask him about that because it may add more pressure to him.