Pratap Pothen scoffs at Jayaram fans

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 30 2015]

Ever since Pratap Pothen made his opinions regarding Jayaram known, he has been forced to content with the ire of many, especially Jayaram fans. With the actor taking down the controversial post, it was widely said that he did so because he was afraid of the what the fans would do.

However, Pratap Pothen is quite irked with this , and has come out with more clarifications. In his new post, he scoffs at Jayaram fans, saying that he is not afraid of a few fake profiles and that what he said about the actor is how he really feels about him. Pratap also added that he does not know Jayaram's son too well and that he holds nothing against the youngster. He had tried to rope in Kalidasan for one of his movies, but Jayaram had rudely responded that Kalidasan would be working with old directors. This was Pratap Pothen's way of getting even with the actor.

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