Maintaining Royal Unity: Princess Kate and Prince William's PR Approach to Prince Harry and Meghan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 02 2023]

Princess Kate and Prince William have been employing a strategy of scaling back their public engagements and chats about the Sussexes to exhibit deference for their privacy as well as enable them to be able to present a collective front, an article by PR expert Sophie Attwood says in an exclusive interview with UK news media. Since leaving as working royals back in 2020, activities or works from charities of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have not been recognized publicly by any member of the Royal Family, including events like the recent Invictus Games that happened at Dusseldorf.

This also forms part of the general press strategy of the Royal Family, which includes unification in terms of image, respect for privacy, control of information flow, among others, sticking to routines and protocols, being dynamic with the media world, and respecting the institution, among many other issues. She pointed out that these are issues that confirm that indeed the monarchy does a good job at making decisions regarding public relations, especially in a time where perception is currency.

According to the PR director, the Royal Family has a clear aim in avoiding public statements on Harry and Meghan, furthering that it helps dodge public fractures and controversies that could hurt its standing as an institution. The Royal Family has been discreet in individual matters ever since, and this theme is continuous.

In closing, Attwood agreed that social media and steady updates from the media have extreme influence when it comes to creating opinions pertaining to relationships within the Royal Family, while emphasizing that each side's PR teams possess effective methods of managing those outlooks.