Priyamani agrees to do Shivraj film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,September 24 2010]

Priyamani, the national award winning actress, who said no to and offer from Darshan for the historical film Sangolli Rayanna has agreed to do a film opposite hat trick hero Shivarajakumar for his 101st film.

What is interesting is that Priyamani was the heroine to Shivarajakumar younger brother in ‘Raam’ and that was her debut in Kannada. ‘Raam’ was a remake of Telugu film ‘Ready’.

Similar case has happened in the case of Shivarajakumar and Puneeth Rajakumar in the past also. Rakshita made debut with Puneeth Rajakumar in ‘Appu’. The same Rakshita after years was the heroine to Shivarajakumar in ‘Thayiya Madilu’.

When Dr Rajakumar and Ambarish starring ‘Odahuttidavaru’ was launched the selection of heroine for Dr Rajakumar was a problem. Finally Madhavi was selected as heroine for Dr Rajakumar and Ambarish had Srishanthi. Madhavi was heroine to Ambarish in several Kannada films. It was inevitable for Madhavi to play ‘Attige’ (daughter in law) role in that film for Ambarish.