Priyamani film after marriage

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,October 31 2017]

The national award winning actress Priyamani is returning to acting after a brief interval because of her marriage. The title of Priyamani next is ‘Nanna Prakara’ – very interesting because the words are used by most of the people in their conversation. Vinay Balaji is making debut as director. Priyamani accepting for a newcomer film shows her exemplary nature.

Kishor, Mayoori, Nihan of ‘Kal Keji Priti’ are also part of the cast. Niranjan Deshpande is in guest role of this GVK combines film.
It is a crime thriller in category. Vinay Balaji has written story, screenplay and dialogues with Chandan. Vinay directed ‘Camera’ and ‘Money’ short films and got award from Mumbai film festival.

It has been long wait to fetch right producer for ‘Nanna Prakara’ Kannada film direction for Vinay Balaji. Five friends have come forward to invest on his thoughts for silver screen.

Manohar Joshi is cameraman; Arjun Ramu of ‘Huliraya’ fame has four songs to compose music. Kiran Kaverappa, and Jayanth Kaikii are lyricists.
Set to go on floor on 6th of November at Kanteerava studio the shoot will be held in three schedules.