Priyanka Chopra becomes 'the hottest woman on the planet' once again!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,June 28 2018]

Hot, hot, sizzling hot! No, summer’s finally mellowing down. We’re talking about our Bollywood glam diva Priyanka Chopra. From being a desi to now the ‘global’ star has once again for the fifth time become the ‘hottest’ woman. Uh, what’s there to be surprised?

Exactly. Maxim is an internationally reputed magazine which announced this obvious result. Extra points for Priyanka Chopra : she also decorates the cover of the magazine’s latest edition. In an all-out white outfit PC can be seen giving a ‘knock you down at first sight’ kind of stare that makes us go weak.

“She's got the talent, she's got the brains and she's definitely got the looks,” Maxim quoted describing our desi beauty. It’s also worth mentioning here that Priyanka is topping the Maxim Hot 100 for the fourth time. Congrats Priyanka!

Priyanka has many projects to look forward to like ‘A Kid Like Jake’ and ‘Isn’t that Romantic’. She also has a Bollywood flick ‘Bharat’ with Salman Khan in the lead.