Priyanka Chopra Is Back To India With Her 'Best Travel Buddy Ever'!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,February 27 2019]

Global icon Priyanka Chopra Jonas and her loving husband American singer, Nick Jonas make it to the headlines almost every day for all the right reasons. And we can’t stop being jealous of them as the two can’t stop adoring each other anytime and anywhere. After the stunning appearance at the Oscars After Party, the couple has indeed given us some serious couple-goals. And now, they have reached India to spread their charm.

Sharing a new picture of the duo, PC took to her Instagram and captioned it as, “Best travel buddy ever..hello Delhi.. so good to be back”. Looking perfect as usual and the reason of them being in Delhi is unclear. But probably Priyanka is back to complete the final schedule of her upcoming film ‘The Sky Is Pink’ which also features Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim in the lead roles.

The film is slated to hit the screens on October 11, 2019 and the team is said to be wrapping up the shoot soon.