Priyanka doesn't miss 'Aaj Ki Raat' in 'Don 2'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 23 2011]

Last time around when Priyanka Chopra matched steps with Shahrukh Khan in 'Don', it led to the chartbuster track 'Aaj Ki Raat' that is played till date. While people are really missing that magic in 'Don 2', doesn't Priyanka ever miss the presence of yet another song on the same lines that could have recreated that magic?

Ask Farhan (Akhtar) about it, she giggles, See, the fact is that 'Don 2' is a very fast paced movie and frankly speaking, there is no place for songs. The ones that you even see in the film are those that are really required in the film.

Unfortunately the ones that are in the film haven't really charmed audience as yet.

Well, Farhan was sure that he didn't want to move away from the essence of 'Don'. It is easy to just go ahead and copy what has been made earlier but then 'Don 2' is not 'Don', Priyanka says in defence of her director, This is a cool stylish action film and much more than just 'Aaj Ki Raat'.

Here is waiting for the audience verdict on that!