Producer Niranjan Reddy : Don't Kill the Buzz on Hanu Man

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,January 05 2024]

Teja Sajja and Prashanth Varma's groundbreaking creation, Hanu Man, has ignited the imaginations of audiences far and wide. Positioned as Tollywood's pioneer superhero film, it is set to unveil its cinematic marvel on January 12, 2024, captivating viewers across the nation. However, the film finds itself in the midst of formidable competition, with heavyweight releases such as Mahesh Babu's Guntur Kaaram sharing the same release date, and subsequent offerings like Venkatesh's Saindhav and Nagarjuna's Naa Saami Ranga trailing closely.

The mounting pressure on the creators of Hanu Man to reconsider their release date reached unprecedented levels. Director Prashanth Varma, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, openly revealed that the team had encountered threats from various quarters aimed at impeding the film's release. Amidst these tumultuous circumstances, producer Niranjan Reddy shed light on the arduous challenges the film faces in the lead-up to its highly anticipated release date

Rumours of backing off from the Sankranti race

Previously, there were speculations among industry insiders suggesting our potential withdrawal. However, it's crucial to clarify that such speculations were unfounded; backing off was never our intention. We took the initiative to announce the release date well ahead of 'Guntur Kaaram.' Our earnest request now is for an equitable allocation of screens. If a fair share is not granted, we believe it should ultimately be left to the audience to decide. The overwhelming response to our film's teaser and trailer underscores the substantial potential it holds, and it is our firm belief that this potential should not be stifled.

What was discussed with Dil Raju

Dil Raju garu has expressed a preference for our film to hit the screens on either January 11 or 14. However, it's essential to underscore that our film transcends a single language. Substantial financial investments have been made to declare January 12 as the universal release date, spanning across diverse languages and territories. Altering this meticulously planned date at this juncture is not a viable option.

You have the backing of Mythri in Nizam. Then why to worry

Mythri Movie Makers has taken the responsibility of releasing our movie in Nizam. Hyderabad boasts approximately 75 single screens, and the magnitude of a film's release is typically dictated by multiplex chains, contingent upon the perceived demand. The dynamics of single screens, however, introduce a competitive aspect reminiscent of a monopoly. In the vibrant city of Hyderabad, our aspiration is to secure around 20 screens for the release of 'Hanu-Man.' Presently, the certainty of this allocation remains elusive. Notably, reports suggest that 'Guntur Kaaram' is slated for release on approximately 70 screens. It's important to underscore that our release strategy has been meticulously planned for all languages except Telugu.

What about the film release in Foreign Languages

The release in foreign languages, including English, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese, is scheduled for a subsequent phase. Following the initial release in Indian languages, the film will be introduced to international audiences, enhancing the global reach and impact of 'Hanu-Man.'

Hanu Man is branded as a low budget film. What is your take?

'Hanu-Man' may showcase a lesser-known actor, but its substantial budget of Rs 75 Cr challenges any notion of it being a small-scale production. Comparisons with big-budget films, particularly those featuring a superstar with a Rs 150 Cr budget, are inherently mismatched. Our movie holds its ground as a major production in its own right, boasting a final budget that escalated fivefold. The director's visionary approach left me in awe, and the film is crafted with a global audience in mind.

In the landscape of superhero movies, we have witnessed limited offerings like 'Krish,' but none that truly rival the grandeur of American superhero cinema. Inspired by this gap, Varma conceived a film centered around the stature of Lord Hanuman. The thought behind 'Hanu-Man' transcends the conventional, aiming to resonate with audiences on a global scale. My commitment to collaborate on Varma's future projects remains steadfast, contingent upon his continued association with this vision.

How did the theatrical business for Hanu Man go?

'Hanu-Man' has garnered an impressive theatrical business revenue of Rs 20 Cr in the Telugu States, a remarkable feat considering the film's modest star cast. Beyond the Telugu States, the film has achieved commendable numbers in the Hindi belt through pre-release theatrical business, indicating a strong and widespread audience anticipation for the film.

Does Hanu Man getting support of Hindutva Groups?

Contrary to rumors, it's essential to clarify that 'Hanu Man' receives no support from the Hindutva groups. Our approach is grounded in the genuine desire for audiences to embrace the content of 'Hanu-Man' organically, allowing the film to resonate on its own merits. Adopting a stance against an aggressive publicity campaign, we believe in the film's inherent appeal and storytelling.

Looking ahead, we anticipate a substantial impact with our Hindi release. The Hindi version of 'Hanu-Man' is poised for a significant launch, unrivaled until the arrival of 'Fighter' on January 25. This strategic positioning ensures that the film stands out prominently without any direct competition in the Hindi film landscape during its initial release period.

What about Speculation Regarding Chiranjeevi's Appearance in 'Hanu Man':

Speculation has been circulating about Chiranjeevi garu making a cameo appearance in 'Hanu-Man.' The element of surprise is intentionally preserved for the audience to discover, adding an extra layer of excitement (smiles). I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Ravi Teja garu for graciously lending his voice to a character that embodies the essence of a monkey in the film.

Reflecting on the Recent Clash Between 'Salaar' and 'Dunki,' and the Potential Impact of 'Hanu Man' Clashing with 'Guntur Kaaram':

The recent clash between 'Salaar' and 'Dunki' has demonstrated that such clashes can indeed affect both films. How do you think Hanu Man will be impacted by its clash with Mahesh Babu's Guntur Kaaram.

In light of this, we approach the potential clash between 'Hanu Man' and 'Guntur Kaaram' with strategic consideration. Recognizing the impact that promotion can have on a film's success, we have chosen to prioritize promotional efforts for 'Hanu-Man' post its theatrical release. Given that our film doesn't boast a big-star cast, engaging in extensive pre-release promotions is deemed ineffective and unlikely to yield substantial benefits. Our focus lies in optimizing promotional strategies after the film has been experienced by the audience in theaters. This approach aims to leverage audience feedback and buzz generated during the initial release to bolster the film's reach and success in the post-release phase.