Producers play guest roles

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 27 2010]

The two producers of power star Puneeth Rajakumar and Parvathi Menon starring ‘Prithvi’ – Soorappa Babu and N S Rajakumar appeared in guest role for their own film. It was the marriage scene of protagonist sister Spoorthi. The producers come in this particular marriage song in the film.

Producer Soorappa Babu in the past has appeared in his films ‘Tharle Nan Maga and Rambe Urvashi Menake’ that ran for 100 days. He appeared in the guest role of Dr Vishnuvaradhan’s ‘Hrudayavantha’ that did not do well for producer K Manju.

Meanwhile the 30 member’s team of ‘Prithvi’ is packing their bags to ‘Jordon’ on February 1 t headed by director Jacob Verghese for a 10 days shoot to capture two songs.