69 pregnant women in quarantine after doctor tests positive for coronavirus

69 pregnant women from rural areas of Pune have been issued home quarantine orders after their doctor recently tested positive for coronavirus.

The doctor, who owns a private clinic in rural Pune, had last visited his clinic on April 8. After showing symptoms for the viral infection, he decided to get a test, which came back positive. He has now been admitted to a private hospital, while all the patients who came in contact with him, including 69 pregnant women, have been issued orders for quarantine. The pregnant women are asymptomatic and we have given them strict instructions about home quarantine, Ayush Prasad, CEO of Pune Zilla Parishad, reportedly said. He further added, We have also made arrangements for institutional quarantine as some of the houses in these villages are too small for social distancing. Till now, Pune rural areas have only seven positive patients, of which five have been discharged. Two new persons were found to be positive during our daily house-to-house surveys. The radiologist's brother and wife have also been quarantined.

A total of 1204 cases have been registered in Tamil Nadu so far, while 11643 cases have been confirmed across India. Tamil Nadu has reported 12 deaths while 399 people have succumbed to the illness across the country.