Puneeth inspired me Rohith

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,April 27 2018]

The popular Radio Jockey Rohit got a good mileage from his first film ‘Karva’ as hero but at the time of release of his second film ‘Buckasura’ he says the key inspiration for him to enter cinema was Power star Puneeth Rajakumar. It was in one of the radio interviews Rohit had done to Puneeth Rajakumar, the look and speaking ability of Rohit made Puneeth Rajakumar to invite him to ‘Chandanavana’.

RJ Rohith speaking to Rocking star Yash interview on the promotion of the film disclosed the secret of his coming to cinema at West End Hotel recently. It was a unique program of a super star interviewing actor and RJ Rohit.

It was from such affectionate address of Puneeth Rajakumar I entered the cinema industry from ‘Karva’ and it did well in Navaneeth direction. A horror film crossed 100 days screening. With the same technical team and Crazy star V Ravichandran in a pivotal role this ‘Buckasura’ is made says Rohit.

RJ Rohit is always behind money but it is senior actor V Ravichandran who checks him on his attitude and corrects him.

Rohit has also taken up the responsibility of producer in this film. Kavya Gowda is female lead. V Ravichandran is an advocate in this film.