Puneeth present Raj book to PM Modi

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,May 04 2018]

In a message the Kannada films power star Puneeth Rajakumar has said ‘I just had the glorious opportunity to meet our dynamic Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modiji along with my wife Ashwini.

He gracefully accepted my book on Appaji (Dr Rajakumar The Person behind the personality) and conveyed his good wishes to our family.

I was extremely humbled by his enthusiasm and keen eye for detail and will cherish this meeting with a person whom the world looks up to.

Puneeth Rajakumar has released the glorious moment of his life on Thursday night. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the public at Kengeri near Bengaluru.

At the HAL airport power star Puneeth Rajakumar and his wife Smt Ashwini met the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi was about to catch the flight to Delhi.