Puri to make 'The Businessman' in Hindi

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,June 29 2011]

Sensational director Puri Jagannadh whose latest film 'Bbuddah-Hoga Tera Baap' is all ready to release this Friday, has his second Hindi movie script ready. After making 'Bbuddah...' with Amitabh Bachchan, Puri is going to make 'The Businessman' with Abhishek Bachchan.

Interestingly, Puri is going to make this film in Telugu with Mahesh Babu soon. Puri himself disclosed this information.

After watching Bbuddah-Hoga Tera Baap', Abhishek Bachchan was impressed.I narrated the story of 'The Businessman' to him.He liked it.We will start shooting only in the first half of next year as both Abhishek and me are handfull of movies now Puri announced.

Puri Jagannadh is going to make 'The Businessman' with Maheshbabu and Kajal Agarwal in Telugu. The heroine with Abhishek Bachchan for the Hindi version is yet to be finalised.