"We decided to forget the old Don" - Mohanan, cinematographer of 'Don'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,September 29 2006]

What has caught the imagination of viewers who have had a dekko at 'Don - The Chase Begins Again' is the sleek look of the film. And the man responsible for that is cinematographer Mohanan who has captured the moments in frames hitherto unseen. Over to the man on what prompted him to take on the subject and what was his approach towards filming the remake.

"I have never been a big Bollywood follower but nevertheless wasn’t ignorant enough to not have seen Don. Farhan called me and we talked about it at length, we discussed the story, the mood, and the feel and soon we realized we both were on the same page.

…and that’s the first thing I look for. It is very important for me to see eye to eye with the director. We both looked at it as a modern piece. And with all the due respect we decided to forget the old Don and to start all over again. Approach it as a new script, a new idea.

In all honesty, that was the only way we could have come close to the old Don. We all have worked hard but I am to close to this project to say anything objective about it. Now all I wonder sitting here in the grading room is if I had wanted some things, here and there, to be a little different? Maybe? But who said the world was perfect."

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