R. K. Nagar has 1,788 fake voters, Election Commission tells Madras HC

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,December 12 2017]

The State Election Commission has informed the High Court of Madras that there are 1,788 fake voters in the electoral list in respect of R.K. Nagar Assembly constituency.

Some time back, R.K. Nagar’s DMK candidate and advocate Marudhu Ganesh had filed a petition with the High Court of Chennai stating that the EC had failed to delete as many as 5,117 fake voters from the final voters’ list.  Taking up his petition, the Court had directed the State Election Commission to respond to the charges at once.

When the case was taken up yesterday by the Court, Election Commission’s counsel told the Court that there were about 1,788 fake voters in R.K. Nagar.  “Appropriate action has been initiated to ensure that these fake voters don’t get to vote in the by-poll to be held on 21st December,” he informed the Curt.

Speaking to newsmen earlier in Chennai, State Electoral Officer Rajesh Lakhani had said that 1,947 voters’ names which were present in more than one list had been deleted from the final list.