Raai Lakshmi as Heroine in Mumbai House's Kollywood Debut

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 13 2014]

Mumbai based production company ASA Production is betting their money on the rising wave of choice audience in Kollywood. The company is planning to make a grand entry in Kollywood, and have chosen Raai Lakshmi to be the heroine for their debut project here. The film is ambitious to be a leap forward on the actress' career which is already on an up-trend.

Raai Lakshmi has had a healthy and positive year so far. Her outing in 'Aranmanai' is critically acclaimed in Tamil film circuit. Meanwhile, she is having a happy time in Mollywood, being called "Lucky" Rai, considered as the lucky charm in the movies that she's acted, owing to her consistent trend of successes. Lakshmi played alongside Mammootty in 'Rajadhi Raja' which has filled the box office and garnered optimistic reviews.