Radhika Apte has a newfound vision of her career 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 19 2021]

Radhika Apte is brilliant actress as well as a visionary. She was among the first mainstream stars who dared to step into the world of digital entertainment space. She has made bold statements by her performances every now and then but it turns out that she enjoyed very few of them. Just like the most of us, the lockdown causes Radhika to have several realisations about her life.

She said, All this chasing and becoming famous, does it really still give me exactly what I want to do? (I realised) that’s not necessarily true. So many times, even today, there are projects I want to do, and I approach them and I get rejected over and over again.

Radhika believes that the race of being popular and relevant in order to bag better projects, her professional life has become devoid of joy. She says, All I want to do now is to approach a project that I really wants to do. Somewhere, these rejections have become a part and parcel of my day, and I don’t feel bad about it now. In a sense, I’ve learned to accept it and move forward from it very quickly.